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Rules & Regulations
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Some General Rules of Girls State
- Arrival is by 11 am Saturday morning and pick up is by 2 pm Friday afternoon. No citizen will be permitted to leave the Stonehill campus after check-in. Anyone who drives themself to campus must turn their keys in to their counselor to be returned at the end of the program.
- All college campus rules will be observed and all college property and equipment will receive proper care. No articles of any kind will be removed to changed from one room to another.
- Smoking, alcohol, and drugs are all prohibited on campus.
- No Girls State Citizen is to visit the Boys State dorms. If found in the Boys State dormitory for any reason, you will be immediately sent home, and both your parents and principal will be notified.
- All citizens must be prompt at all sessions and ceremonies. No running in campus buildings. Use proper conduct at all times.
- Neither Massachusetts Girls State nor Stonehill College are responsible for any lost, stolen, or misplaced articles, money, or property. Anything brought with you to Massachusetts Girls State is done at your own risk.
- No food or beverage can be brought in from outside the campus after initial check-in, unless approved by the Girls State office. Food and beverage is not permitted in classrooms and sessions.
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